Monday, November 03, 2008

Back in Honduras

I traveled back from Vegas to Honduras yesterday and took a few photos of the ride on the bus to the base. I also learned an important lesson -- red eye flights suck. I should have taken a nap before I left at 1:55 a.m., especially knowing I would have to wait for the bus and then take the 90-minute ride.

Here's a shot of the airport from the bus.


Not too far from the airport, there are plenty of buildings long the route that look like this:

Honduras buildings

And yes, the traffic can get pretty thick in Tegucigalpa.

On the road again

Here's one of the two accidents we saw during the trip. The road from Tegucigalpa sees a lot of accidents, usually not as minor as this one.



Anonymous said...

YEAH, when I took that red eye home from San Francisco - it left an hour late to boot, I got home at 9:30 am and fell into bed. Good thing my neighbor brought me home from the airport, I don't remember the ride, she pushed me and my luggage in the front door. I unpacked the next door, suitcases were still in front of the door LOL
Don't ever plan on working the day you get home.

sOnNy said...

I saw a "chicken bus" in a ditch one time going to Teguc ... scary mountain roads!

Anonymous said...

Saw your photos of Cano. My son will be deploying to there in a about a month. I'm sure your pics will be enjoyed.